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SiMPLe GuRL!! LiVe D LiFe FoR THiS SeCoND!! n CHeRiSH eaCH MoMeNT LiVeD!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

ViDeo eDiTiNG..

This assignment is really killing..
at first i was having a problem of how to start and now it's bugging me on how to stop..
bt yet, i do thanx my friends out there who really gave me some handy tips on how to solve all the tiny miny problems i am facing to complete this tasks. tonight i will again sit in front of my laptop and fight with the teechnology to make my video clip a success..
not to forget that i had actually learn a lot in this course about how to create a good video clip.
at first i tought that it was an easy job that requires minimum skills then i realise not for me who have a very limited resources in editing video..
still learning a lot and coping with the subjec i am trying my best to come out with a good production..
will write more in my next post once i am done with the battle of finishing the video editing..
for the time being, i chow first!!! Good Luck to others who are still struggling outside there!!


hunnybunny said...

Yes,it's killing me too..
however,we are grateful to have cohort3 family members.. they all help us a lot each time we felt like dying..video editing does challenge our own skill in technology.. i believe all of us will get through this.. Good luck..
best wishes from me..i'm lookin forward to see your video..huhu

kiDDo said...

Best wishes from me to!!!
Yeah, I used to swithc on my laptop just to download some anime or using the MsWord for my assignment. never in my life to edit a video. So, let's fight this 'technology' thing and conquer our fear. Hiyahh!!!

rimala said...

Agree...The assignment is killing me as well.Once start, we couldnt stop blogging right?

Iman said...

emm..i'm dead now...haha
even the assignment is killing, with all guidance from the tutors and friends, i manage to do it and rest in peace..thanks everyone! Good Luck with yours too.

Ling said...

I had a hard time too!!!
sad that u missed the shooting of my video...
me con and jarrod laughed like hell!!!
killing assignment but yet the process was enjoyable!!!

Bhavarita said...

oh gosh, ruby i agree with you..that assignment was a hurricane 4me...bt i learned alot of lesson frm it:) neway gud luck in your upcoming assignment...