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SiMPLe GuRL!! LiVe D LiFe FoR THiS SeCoND!! n CHeRiSH eaCH MoMeNT LiVeD!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Technology can be alien for some people and for the others technology maybe just at their finger tips. as a teacher it needs a hardwork to learn about technology, to understand it and the main is to apply it into the teaching learning process in the classroom. in my opinion, i think it has become a neccessity for the learners to be taught using technology as it is not only interesting yet at the same itme it saves a lot of time. both teachers and pupils play important role in teaching and learning activitivies, or should i say through out the whole process? but now with technology in hand, things might work easier for everyone. technology can help us to get information easily by accessing into the webpage that we want but at the same time we should not ignore the fact that technology can also provoke pupils to be lazy and also towards the negative approach as using it for immoral activities. As a conclusion, it still come back to the approach ussed by the teacher and the concept received by the learners. It is all connected!

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