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SiMPLe GuRL!! LiVe D LiFe FoR THiS SeCoND!! n CHeRiSH eaCH MoMeNT LiVeD!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

TeCHNo eVeRyWHeRe?!!

I was in he lrt, was bored n d weather had definitely contributed to my feeling of dull..
was doing notin, n then i realise that most of those in the lrt r busy wid their handphones.. then i realise technology is everywhere in our life?
technology has a great impact in our life, it has touched us so deeply that we r bounded to it..
every1 hasa laptop nowadays, calculators has been a tool for even a boy as small as 6 yearsold to jus do some clculation of how much pocket money he's getting? talk about handphones, i think it has been a neccessity for everyone, a person without a handphone is some1 like not enuf equipment to life.. handphones are lives for some others,some even keep handphones to their bed, eat wid h/phones, sleep wid it, and it won suprise me if i c ny1 carrying h/phone to shower!! Wow!! lokk how technology has indulge in our life?
whether it is gud or not, guess u guys out there have to decide it..
p/s : warn u bout d cancer ya.. don't use too much of h/phones..


i_chuzz said...

i totally agree with you..indeed that the society have been very techno-oriented these days especially iwth the use of the handphones. with new models out in the market, many do go for the latest..this shows that technology does reallt affect our daily lives.
however, speaking of technology there are the disadcantages in which is will affect our health to.. we must be wise in using them or else we will be in trouble ( i mean being sick)

Unknown said...

hie there!
its an interesting topic to be discussed,'Technology'..try to compare now and back in 20 years.. Hw much of development and progress has happen in our lives.. Im preety sure now, one can never imagine a life without handphones, computer and internet..
We should be happy and move or grow together with techonology or else you end up outdated.. :)

Clarence said...

agree.. watch out for d cancer as hp was just an invention for less than 10 yrs... You'll see the illness caused by hp's radiation soon.

Technology is convenient but the negative effect it brings should not be ignored.

techno_86 said...

techno everyhere!!!
yup rubi..
Technology is taking over all aspects of life. Education, work and leisure are all becoming increasingly dependent on being able to interact with technology...
so,complete urself wid da latest info/skills bout techno so dat u can be a techno-savvy gurl..chayok2!!!