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SiMPLe GuRL!! LiVe D LiFe FoR THiS SeCoND!! n CHeRiSH eaCH MoMeNT LiVeD!!

Monday, September 1, 2008


i really need someone to help me.. i am lost in between all the assignments.. too many assignments and the due date is just around the corner.. it has been almost half a semester yet i am atill havind a hard time to cope with all my assignmnets?!! does that shows that i am unable to manage my time or i will never be a techno savy... i really am learning a lot but really thanx to my frens, guys (Connie, Ling, Bak, and Josh) you are helping me a lot, if not u guys might be finding my corpse under piles of assignments.. regarding the smartboard assignments, i am still in the introduction..hehehe..hope that i wil be able to finish everything on time.. God, plz help me!! and all my frens as well.. looking forward to the end of the semester!! Chow, wil see u again in next post..

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